Cloud Gaming for Carriers

Cloud gaming is the absolute trend

Whoever gets there first will dominate the next mobile entertainment generation. Will that be you? Prove the power of broadband network and 5G by filling the market gap before anyone else.

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Bringing casual games to the living room of every family

Create a new revenue stream with a key service differentiation.

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Cloud gaming can be played on any platform and in any location without limits

Users don´t even need a console or any gaming hardware. The lowest latency, adaptive streaming, smooth gameplay and 24/7 technical support guaranteed.

Lead your users on a gaming adventure

A nonstop refreshing experience with top quality games.

We have created a rich analytics system that arms you with detailed user demographics and market trends, so you can build a sustainable strategy for the future.
We have created a rich analytics system that arms you with detailed user demographics and market trends, so you can build a sustainable strategy for the future.
With game adaptation made easy, you can release updates to the cloud on the same day as other platforms.
With game adaptation made easy, you can release updates to the cloud on the same day as other platforms.

We’ve done it before. Check out this case study.

197% More Users

Case Study Logo

The Campaign

When we launched our subscription UA campaign to promote the first Cloud Gaming service in Thailand with AIS, we almost doubled the number of users* getting AIS commitment to regularly invest in our UA campaigns.

*First month results


Why should carriers include Gameloft Cloud Gaming in their offering?

We have been creating and delivering games throughout the world for 20 years. Our cloud gaming service offers a platform to add value to your offer, strengthen your brand, and all backed up with your customer base. Apart from the best games, you can have e-tournaments, esports, analytics and cutting edge marketing features, all in one place, and if you wish, with your brand on it.

What´s the user profile for Gameloft Cloud Gaming?

Gaming has been a massive trend for years now. Our offering includes a games for every member of the family, but also for hardcore gamers.

What type of games are available through Gameloft Cloud Gaming?

There are currently over 500 games from more than 60 international publishers and industry leaders, with new titles added nearly every day.

What are the requirements for end-users to play the games?

In terms of hardware, there are virtually no requirements. The latest games can be played on any device, as all the hardware is in the cloud. The only thing you need is an internet connection.

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With the largest gaming catalogue of hundreds of games, Gameloft Business Solutions provides customized gaming packages and subscription-based offers with carrier-billing solutions in 145 countries around the world. Gameloft provides games for everyone, covering all channels with global distribution partners such as Vodafone, Orange, Movistar, Telenor, Axiata, and Singtel as well as preloaded solutions with global partners such as LG, Samsung, and Huawei. Gameloft Business Solutions' global carrier solutions are designed to perform on smartphones, tablets, feature phones (Native, Java, MRE), TVs and STBS with try & buy, freemium, and subscription monetization models.


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